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With Employees

  • SDGs 5
  • SDGs 8

Happiness and Stability for Employees is part of the Sansha Electric Manufacturing Group's corporate philosophy. We believe that our staff's happiness is one of the most important parts of our business's foundation for corporate growth and development. Additionally, we are convinced that personnel who think and act independently are essential for the Group's continuous growth. We are focused on increasing employee independence.
Under the basic policy that states the personal development of people is equal to the growth of the company, we are creating an organizational climate in which employees help themselves and each other develop and workplaces where they can work vibrantly, aiming to simultaneously achieve the personal development of employees and the growth of the company.

Personnel Management for Continuous Growth

  • In 2021, the Sansha Electric Manufacturing Group began to push forward with medium- to long-term initiatives to achieve its 2030 vision, which consists of three pillars: the development of the next generation of employees, employees that are experts in technology and employees that are able to work actively in global markets, the promotion of diversity and the creation of an organization and climate.

    Required qualities

    • Independent thinking and acting
    • Have a can-do spirit
    • Communicate with a wide variety of people
    • Eager to learn and very curious
  • Vision for 2030

Personnel Development

Priority measures for personnel development

In an era where reform is required, we will push forward with initiatives including the implementation of educational and training programs to continue to develop personnel with broad perspectives and diverse experience who are capable of leading our businesses in the future. In addition, we will enhance the personnel development system, including job-class-specific training programs, in our efforts to reinforce our human resources foundation. At the same time, we will implement initiatives for the quick development of young human resources and retaining those human resources in a well-planned manner.
During the medium-term management plan, we will emphasize the continued development of technology, the development of the engineering personnel who innovate, and further, the hiring of non-Japanese nationals and the development of global leaders who will take charge of overseas-related duties to accelerate the global expansion of our business.

Education and Training Systems

Education and Training Systems

Promotion of Active Participation of Female Employees

Managers and leaders that are women

The Group takes various steps to enable the women we employ to develop. This includes skill development training for women employees, encouraging a shift in the mindsets of personnel including those supervising women, and job rotation to enable women to work in broader fields. We are striving to construct an environment that is friendly to our workers who are women by interviewing people taking childcare leave before returning to work, implementing a system of reduced working hours measured by the minute, and making it possible to take nursing care leave on an hourly basis. As a result of these actions, we received three-star Eruboshi certification in 2021.
Under this certification program, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare certifies companies developing and submitting notification of their plans of action in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace and applying to prefectural labour bureaus that meet predetermined criteria and are engaged in outstanding efforts for the advancement of women. In addition to the above, we were certified as a Leading Company with Actively Participating Women in Osaka-shi (two stars) and certified under the Shiga Prefectural Government’s program certifying companies that enable women to advance their careers (two star).

Action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace

From April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025
Targets and initiatives
  • [Target 1:Increase the percentage of new graduates recruited that are women to 20% or higherIncrease]
    • Recruitment activities conducted by employees that are women
    • Actively distribute information about the good performance of employees that are women
    • Promote the appeal of the environment that is friendly to our workers who are women (including the percentage of people using the childcare leave system)
  • [Target 2:Control the average overtime working hours of regular employees to 15 hours or less per month]
    • Check the actual overtime working hours every month based on internal rules
    • Control overtime working hours properly by using the attendance management system
    • Provide labor management training to managers

Employment of Persons With Disabilities

Percentage of employees with disabilities (%)

The Group proactively employs workers with disabilities. We assign duties suited to their unique characteristics to ensure that every one of them can work without worries and that they are able to display their strengths as a valuable part of our workforce.
To move forward with the employment of workers with disabilities, we are organizing plant tours for institutions providing employment support for people with disabilities and hiring interns from these institutions. In addition, we are working to help staff acquire qualification as Working Life Counselors for Persons with Disabilities.
In 2022, the Shiga Plant was commended by the prefectural governor as an excellent place of business for the employment of people with disabilities.

Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance

We continuously strive to ensure that working hours are properly managed and to reduce the amount of overtime worked. We are improving the working environment to provide a foundation for all employees, irrespective of gender, to establish a healthy work-life balance. Programs we have introduced include an annual leave saving program that allows employees to take expired annual paid leave for medical treatment and nursing care and a commemorative event leave program that encourages workers to take holidays for their preschool children’s birthdays and other events.

Support for Balancing Work and Childcare

In order to support employees who balance work and childcare, the following systems and other measures have been adopted by the Company to 'promote the use of annual paid leave'.

Scheduled annual leave Every year, employees plan to take three days of annual leave in the first half and three days in the second half to maintain and improve work-life balance.
Commemorative event leave Employees with pre-school children are entitled to set their children's birthdays as days for taking commemorative event leave.
Hourly annual paid leave and half-day annual paid leave With an upper limit of five days per year, employees are allowed to take annual paid leave on an hourly basis. Annual paid leave may also be split into half days, the morning and the afternoon.
Accumulated annual leave Employees are allowed to take expired annual paid leave for purposes related to medical treatment/nursing care, sick family care, support for disaster-affected areas, social welfare activities, and others.

General Business Owner Action Plan

From April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025
Targets and initiatives
  • [Target 1:Ensure that at least 10% of male employees take parental leave.]
    • Disseminating information on the parental leave system to employees via the company website and internal newsletters.
    • Explanation of Policies and Promotion of Benefits for Male Employees with Newborn Children
    • Creating an Environment Conducive to Male Employees with Newborn Children to Easily Utilize the Benefits through Policy Explanation to their Supervisors
  • [Target 2:Internships are provided to support the development of the next generation and for employment purposes.]
    • Implementation of close information exchange with neighbouring schools
    • Dissemination of internship information via a dedicated website.
    • Acceptance of factory tours and company visits

Male Employees’ Use of Childcare Leave

Number of employees taking childcare leave (persons)

At the Sansha Electric Manufacturing Group, the number of male employees taking childcare leave has been gradually increasing. To further increase their use of this leave, we inform employees thoroughly of the childcare leave program, ask superiors to encourage their subordinates to take leave, individually explain the program to eligible employees, and implement other initiatives, thus continuing efforts to build an environment which facilitates the use of childcare leave.
In recognition of the initiatives being implemented to create an environment that enables employees to establish a healthy work-life balance, such as promoting the use of annual paid leave to encourage employees to use it to ensure they are refreshed, in addition to the measures above, the Group was granted Kurumin certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on August 26, 2022.

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety

To ensure that employees are happy in their work, the maintenance of a safe, hygienic and healthy working environment is a top priority. In particular, the Shiga Plant has set up sub-committees for each theme and is involved in day-to-day health and safety activities.

Sansha Electric Manufacturing Group Safety and Health Policy

The Sansha Electric Manufacturing Group positions safety and health initiatives as one of its most important tasks. Each one of its employees will work proactively to create a safe, comfortable workplace and achieve good physical and mental health based on their understanding that safety and health form the foundation of management, aiming for zero accidents and zero disease.

  1. Comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules related to safety and health.
  2. Work proactively on initiatives such as creating a safety-first workplace environment, maintaining employee health and ensuring appropriate working hours.
  3. Strive to increase awareness of safety and health by ensuring good communication and implementing employee training and internal PR activities.
  4. Proactively push forward with initiatives to prevent accidents and respond to emergencies to ensure the security and safety of employees and local communities.

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