Notice of Publication of the Integrated Report
“SanRex REPORT 2024” Sansha Electric Group has published the integrated report “SanRex REPORT 2024”. “SanRex REPORT 2024” is the business model of the Sansha Electric Group, The report details the Sansha Electric Group’s business model, its growth strategy to become a “Global Power Solution Partner,” and its sustainability initiatives, The report provides stakeholders with a story of the Sansha Electric Group’s medium- to long-term value creation. In addition, this report also describes our policy for growth based on a strong foundation through the formulation of our medium-term management plan, which started in fiscal 2024, We have clarified our policy for growth based on a strong foundation. The report also proactively incorporates initiatives from an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) perspective to paint a picture of the Minebea Group aiming for sustainable growth.